**Kaleb keeps a growing and growing. We had to get new shoes (Size 7.5 Wide) a few weeks ago because his feet had grown a whole size since June. Yoiks!! I also got him a new outfit that was a Size 3T. The shorts were a little big, but the shirts fit perfectly.
**Over the last few weeks Kaleb has shown SERIOUS clinging issues. Any random person use to be able to come up to him and he's happy for any kind of attention. Now he takes about 20 minutes to warm up to practically anyone, sometimes even mom or dad.
**Kaleb LOVES babies!!!!! Anyone that is near his age or less he HAS to give hugs to a bunch of times before he feels totally satisfied. Below is a classic example of bestowing that love on his cousin. Unfortunately, he has also started grabbing kids' shirts with a vice-like grip which drives most kids (and his parents) a little crazy. My little linebacker is taking his role a little too seriously
Do the Zombie
**A friend of mine had a birthday party the other day with the theme Zombie Prom. Ammon can never do anything halfway, so here were our costumes. We had so much fun I can't possibly regret spending more time and money than we would normally for even Halloween!!
**As for our diet, we are doing our best to stay as true to it as possible. It's difficult however when you're not supposed to have salt, sugar, wheat or milk... or anything processed at all. I've had to change mine up a little to include a few more calories (800 a day don't cut it for me). After two days of migraines and another of being nauseous a whole afternoon, I just couldn't take it anymore. However, the good news is that after 6 days, I lost 5 pounds and Ammon lost 10. We're excited to see if the results will continue! If they don't we may have to change it again to include cheaper food. Unprocessed meat gets expensive when you eat it five times a day!!