Ammon set up our wonderful borrowed tent, built for 7 (barely fit us on our borrowed cots)
Breakfast was made by some of our awesome High Priests and Ammon. The first counselor in our bishopric provided EVERYTHING (equipment-wise) we needed to make a first-class IHOP-worthy breakfast. Many thanks to all who helped out (who I am sure do not read my blog).
After breakfast, we sat in front of our tent and played games. Here is a photo of our neighbors' daughter singing (hollering) "Give Said the Little Stream" and "I;ll be Working on the Railroad" on top of a rock... all by herself. We thought it was entertaining, but it touched us when her mom told us those songs are on a video they made of her grandfather that just passed away. Apparently she really missed him.
Passing time away with a fun game of Mastermind
A view from the scary road on the way back to Globe. The funny thing about this road is that when I was a kid, I used to cry when we'd go camping in those mountains because I was so scared we would careen off the side of the road. (insert nervous laughter)
The rattlesnake that had just been run over on the road back to Globe. Gross but kinda cool.
Do you ever have an event that you are SOOOO not looking forward to that when it actually happens, you think... "I can't imagine that it will be worse than what I've imagined?" Like when you have been told a movie really isn't all that good, and when you see it you are happily surprised? Well, the ward campout was that way for me. The only complaint I have is that I couldn't sleep because the crazy wind made the tent create foot-step like sounds all night long. Otherwise good times. So much so that we just bought a tent and we plan on going camping a few times this summer... wacky little munchkin allowing.
Ah, memories. Camping can be such a headache, but so nice to get away from it all and just live a simpler life. Camping with little ones Kaleb's age is kind of fun, but be prepared for him to get REALLY dirty.
Camping to me is an inexpensive motel near a wooded area. Glad you enjoyed yourself, though. It's definitely a cost effective way to travel.
I too am not one for camping but kudos to you for enjoying the event!!!
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