Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!!

I thought it would be fun... since we have baby chicks... at Easter time... to get some cute photos. And they're not great but cute nevertheless, so HAPPY EASTER!!!

Da coop

Ammon and I have decided to begin as a couple to try to be more self-sufficient. Some people do gardens, some people are seamstresses while others are canning fanatics. Well, while I do have ambitions to some day learn all of these useful skills, Ammon and I figured the best place for us to start would be with chickens!! Our neighborhood allows them and in fact, several of our neighbors have them. I eat at least two eggs a day, so that means a dozen a week. Eggs sell for an average of $1.50 a week. Plus if you add in any baking or if Ammon wants any, that's even more... so we did the math and we could spend the same amount on chickens and end up with even more eggs that we could share (plus these would be organic eggs, which go for $2.50 or more a dozen). Not to mention they will help with our tick and weed problem. So Thursday we bought 10 adorable chicks and Ammon has started construction on our coop which will be a transformed shed. I will have a post once everything is completed of course, but here's what we have so far!

Ode to a Big Screen

Oh, Fair Flat Panel!
How you have served us these six months
In movies and Video Games
You have brought such joys to our domain
Through f0rty-something inches of your glowing face.
Now you have departed to your true home
We will forever pine your absence
And when we rent a newly released video
We will cry out in unison,
"Whoa is us whom only have purchased 27 inches!!"
You have caused us to want for more!
And some day, more will be had in the home of Teller!!

While my sister Jess and her husband Chris were living at my parents and getting their new home ready, we had the privelege of 'storing' their big screen. Since they bought a new HD tv, they said there is no hurry. Now we've had it for six months; I'm in my 'nesting' phase I asked that they finally take it off of our hands so that I could remove some clutter. It was a necessary evil, but we will definitely miss the little guy...SIGH!