Monday, February 8, 2010

Favorites A to Z

I would have done this sooner, Reed Women, but for some reason the copy/paste function doesn't work on our computer, so I just hadn't gotten to putting everything in till now, so... here you go:

Animal: Almost all, but it has evolved from horses, to tigers, to ducks to bears.

Book: Harry Potter Series, can't pick a favorite

Color: Blue

Dessert: Coldstone's Dark Chocolate Peppermint Ice Cream with White Chocolate Chips

Eat: YES! Unfortunately!

Flower: Red Rose. Although the Sweet Pea is a close second

Game: 10-4, silly card game of strategic chance.

Hobbies: Kaleb, organizing/decorating/cleaning the house, and trying to lose 50 pounds

Idea: Indoor Plumbing

Joke: I'm sure if Brian Regan said it, I would laugh!

Kiss: (Stolen a little from Liz) July 2nd, 2006. My first kiss with Ammon who responded, "That was it?" ... and the romance blossomed from there!!

Love: Motherly, it helps me understand on a very small part how much Heavenly Father must love us.

Music: I don't think I can choose just one, although a song that always brings me comfort is "Consider the Lillies" as sung by Motab.

Number: 7

Old Movie: The old Pride & Prejudice or Clue (if the 80's is old enough)

Place: Disneyland

Quote: "Yoiks, and AWAY!!"

Restaurant: Melting Pot

Sport: See "Eat". Is Taebo a Sport?

Time of Year: Tax Refund Spending Time

Unusual Thing: Ammon doing the "Twiddy" Dance

Vehicle: The interior of a minivan that drives like a Geo Prism and parks itself.

Woman: Mom. For being the sweetest person I know. For teaching us to appreciate the greatest man I know, Dad. For STILL being there ALLL of the TIME to catch us when we fall!

Xtra: Pictures and videos of Kaleb

Yourself: Experiences

Z's hours: 10 pm to 8 am

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Learning the Hard Way

While you are pregnant, and after the baby is born, you are constantly bombarded with advice like, "Sleep when the baby sleeps" and "Don't wear dangly earrings" and things like that. However, nobody ever warned me about grape juice! This morning, I dressed Kaleb in a cute little church outfit with a white onesie and white trimmed sweater vest and black chords. SUPER CUTE and SO HANDSOME. Even better, they were all hand-me-downs from his cousins that held up really well... that is until Kaleb got a bottle of grape juice. STUPID MOMMY!! Has Kaleb ever spilled juice like that before? Of course not. Only with grape juice whilst wearing a white top! Well, at least we now have a cute purple-pink top for whenever we have a little girl.

Funny Little Videos

I know I just posted a bunch of things on Kaleb, but we got a series of funny videos of him this week that really crack me up:

Firstly, Just random moaning of Kaleb as he chases the camera. The least funny, but it put us in a wacky mood and set the stage for the next two videos. Plus, he reminds me of a zombie with all the moaning he does:

Secondly, Kaleb has been playing peekaboo with us for a while, but now we got a pretty funny video. I just love how involved he is:

Best for last, if you've ever seen the movie, "The Holiday" you will recognize Mr. Napkin Head. This one makes me roll on the floor!!!

My Own Little Miracle

So lately, I've gotten a little bit of the decorator bug. I think it's because Ammon had a temporary job that brought in a little extra money, so of course I feel the need to spend it... on little things that help make our house feel more like a nice home. SO, I focused my attention on fixing up the TV room, since I tend to spend the most time in it and I figured it needed the least amount of work. The theme colors for that room are primarily chocolate brown and baby blue, so I bought some satin, flowers and ribbon to fill giant champagne glasses we got for our wedding (thank you, Jess). I think they turned out pretty nice:

Then I bought a giant picture frame with the intention to put within it a collage of family photos, using the chocolate colored satin and ribbon as a background. However, when I got home, I realized it was smaller than I intended (I wanted 16 x 20 and I got 14 x 18), but nevertheless still usable. THEN I realized that I had a painting of Jesus that I had been wanting to display, but needed to get a new frame for and that the frame that I had just purchased was probably the right size. BUT, I thought to myself, "Aww, man, now I can't use the extra fabric I bought... oh, well." When I "Eyeballed it" it looked perfect. However, when I put it in the frame, I realized the picture was an inch too small... BUT... what if the fabric?... NO, it couldn't match the painting EXACTLY?!?!?! OH, BUT IT DOES!!! That's right, the fabric I bought for the glasses perfectly matches the painting and fills the empty space very nicely. You can see the it in the top part of the picture below. I know this is totally random that I post this, but I thought it was just a fun little miracle for me!