Sunday, July 4, 2010

Kaleb-13 months

Another month, another update.

****Kaleb has gotten much more picky with foods. Normally I can still get him to eat healthy and relatively diverse foods (it's not like we have reached the 'he'll only eat peanut butter' phase). But he definitely makes his preferences known. The other day, I cut up some grapes and cheese for him. As soon as he tasted the grapes, he wanted nothing to do with the cheese. After a 30 minute tantrum of screaming every time he saw the cheese, he finally got hungry enough to eat everything. (and yes I am stubborn enough to not let him have the grapes until he ate some cheese too)

Happy Grape-Eating Kaleb
Sad Cheese-Refusing Kaleb

Right now, Kaleb's favorite things to eat are: Grapes, Bananas, Tylenol (see next asterisk), Water and Otter Pops
****Over the last month, Kaleb was diagnosed twice with double ear infections. The only time he was without them was when we were on our camping trip (go figure), so he has been sucking down a lot of Tylenol and antibiotics. Thankfully he usually enjoys the taste of his medicines, but that doesn't make the pain any easier. Along with the ear pain, Kaleb popped out two more teeth (that makes ten) and is working on two more. My poor little baby!
****Kaleb got his second haircut this month as well. It's amazing just how different he looks:
BEFORE (or as I like to call it: his Justin Bieber look)

AFTER: (Or as I like to call it: Is that my baby boy?)

****All of a sudden Kaleb started climbing. Still not sure how I feel about it since I'm proud of him for making that step but scared to death of him getting into a really high place he can't escape without calling the fire department (paranoid-much?)

Looking Good on his new perch

So Sad for structural weakness!

****Since we are stuck in the house a lot more in this summer heat, Kaleb has found ways to entertain himself... or me. Here is a video that just cracks me up!!! He does this a lot lately, walks back and forth along the entryway of our house. We call it the Baby Run. Whatever makes him happy right?

Here's Kaleb just too bored to function:

**We also have discovered that Kaleb is in love with the vacuum. He WILL NOT focus on anything else in the house if he hears the vacuum running. He wants to be in the same room, watching it go and occasionally trying to help by holding the chord. Then, when it's not running he needs to play with chord, plug it into itself, pet it like a puppy dog... whatever.

****Playmates. Kaleb loves playmates, whether it be kids or puppies. We went to the mall the other day and let Kaleb play with a corgi puppy. If we had ANY way to find a way to pay for this expensive little mutt, we would have bought it because it was so perfect for Kaleb... but it's probably a good thing we don't have that kind of money to spend:

Here's Kaleb piled up with a couple of his cousins, who he spent hours playing and laughing with:

****Kaleb has found his bellybutton. I have been trying to teach Kaleb parts of the face for months without any sort of response. We mentioned bellybutton like two or three times and suddenly it's the best body-part ever!!!

1 comment:

LlamaMama said...

*Picky Foods - Be grateful if the worse you get is "only peanut butter" phase. Mia's going through a liquid diet phase and won't really eat much of anything. ergh!
*Haircut - Loving the new do!
*Climbing - Boxes can be so much fun, but not really great for climbing. Just be careful of riding toys, stools, and book cases. oy.
*Baby Run - I remember at Kaleb's b-day party all the cousins were running back & forth in there too. So fun!
*Bored - It's okay to just chill. He's got a blanket and a ball, he's good.
*Vacuum - SO GLAD he likes it. Both my kids are scared of it, so it makes it hard to keep the floor clean. We can only vacuum when they're asleep or not home ... and when they're asleep the vacuum will wake them.
*Playmates - Cute, cute puppy! We can always bring Bambi & Cody over ... they're little. And Mia likes playmates, too.
*Belly button - has he started lifting your shirt to look for yours next? It stops being cute after a few times of that.