Sunday, January 30, 2011


Just wanted to announce that I'm finished with my first semester in college and

YADADADAH!!! (Elmo's World Moment)

I got straight A's in all three classes: Accounting Principles, Payroll and Computer Information. Not too shabby for a 29-year old homemaker if I do say so myself!!

I'm so excited to have the next month to spend cleaning and organizing! I know that sounds really lame, but most of you know why I can expect little more than that for the next few weeks. And for those of you that don't know, I will be posting about it next week.


Amy Legler said...

Oh now that's just downright mean to keep the rest of us in suspense!
Congrats on the A's!!!

RHulsey said...

Good work!!! But yes, I wish I were in the "already know what you are talking about" club.