Monday, December 1, 2008

Da Dr. Seuss Tree

As is tradition we put up Christmas decorations this past weekend... We have my parents old fake tree that is older than me and I must say has seen better days. Last year we bought a star to place on top that unfortunately is not wide enough to fit that top and is too heavy for the tree to support. That as well as the crooked bottom have helped us accept that this is our Dr. Seuss Tree. We are proud of its mis-shapen-ness and will let it shine in the front window, drooping star and all until New Years.


Kelli said...

I absolutely love your tree! It's great that your embracing it's Dr. Seussness. I'm so impressed that you have your decorations up. Way to be on the ball~ :)

Liz said...

I absolutely LOVE how you can express such adoration for a spunky tree. Just enough quirks that it just fits perfectly in your little abode!

Julie said...

I love your tree!! It totally fits with you and Ammon!!!

Jake said...

Lindsey Reed!! How ya been? It has been so long! I hear we have a mutual friend... do you know Julie Davis by chance? Of course you do, she was the one who showed me your blog. Love the tree!

Jake said...
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Jake said...


While bored at work I began to read further into your blog and wanted to know if you have found a new job or not? I was laid off too about two months ago, I feel your pain! I had a few ideas for you though. There are some places that always seem to be hiring (but in this economy who knows?)


Walden University in Tempe (my wife works there)


University of Phoenix (might not be a good idea to let on about being Mormon, they just had a big lawsuit) They are always looking for diversity (women and/or minorities)