Friday, December 12, 2008

Third Times a Charm! or is it Three Strikes Your Out!!

Well, since it wasn't enough for Ammon's hours to get cut back and for me to be laid off, our life has really decided to take a nose-dive with Ammon getting laid off on Tuesday!! The week started out fun enough with a Monday migraine and five appointments with the business end of the toilet, but then the real thrills began. NOW we get the total and complete joy of trying to keep ourselves out of poverty as pregnant newlyweds. (SIGH, what raptures!!) SO... needless to say, if you know anyone who's hiring a welder, let us know!!


Jake said...

Lindsey, I didn't know you were a welder!! I will keep my ears open. What else are you willing to do should I not be able to find a welding position.

Amy Legler said...

Oh sweetie I am so sorry! My only suggestion is if either of you have cash handling experience, start applying at banks. My mother-in-law manages a Chase branch and she said that they are always hiring to improve their staffing. And their benefits ROCK!! Let me know what we can do to help you guys!