Monday, June 1, 2009

Last Update

This morning I went back to my Doctor's. She checked me again, and I was now at 4cm dilated. Yippee!! So she stripped my membranes (TMI***separated the amniotic sac from the cervix***TMI) which is supposed to encourage labor and help with dilation. Boy was it uncomfortable, but not as bad as it sounds. ANYWHO, if I'm still not in labor by Wednesday morning, we have an appointment to get induced on Wednesday, June 3rd at 9am. SO no matter what, the baby will arrive by Thursday, but probably sooner!!! WAHOO!!!


LlamaMama said...

Hip Hip - Hooray! Hip Hip - Hooray!

Anonymous said...

4 cm and you are still walking around? Hey at least you are almost half way done. Stripping my membranes always worked 24 hours later.


Unknown said...

Yeah!!! Hopefully stripping the membranes works. Hopefully you'll have a little baby soon

Liz said...

I vote for the baby to be born on the third....not like I am biased about a particular number tho....hee hee.

Kelli said...

That is so exciting! Can't wait to see that cute little boy. It's coming so soon! Hurray! :)