Friday, July 24, 2009

How to Burn Pasta

1. Fill a shallow pot with water

2. Bring water to boil

3. Pour box of pasta into boiling water

4. Make sure stove is at full heat

5. Turn on a movie that you've never seen before that you know will grab your interest and clutch onto it like an Nile Croc to a Wildebeest

6. While watching movie, entertain a 6-week old infant

7. Ignore that pesky burning smell!!

TADA!! Burnt Pasta and a perfect excuse to go out that night!!


Christoph the Jukebox said...


Liz said...

Surely this didn't happen to yoooou? So, can I borrow your 6 week old...otherwise the steps won't work, right?

Amy Legler said...

That's hilarious!! Cracks me up that you still put it into a bowl to take the picture :) But I"m definately doing that, just for that excuse :)

LlamaMama said...

Very thorough instructions. I'm curious which movie you chose? I'm not sure I've ever had one grab my attention the way you described.

Kelli said...

Loved this post! I think I could master that recipe :). Although, I might have to skip a step or two. You crack me up!