Friday, October 9, 2009

Post Media Blackout Update

As I mentioned before, we went a week without any media (radio, tv, internet and movies) for an entire week (except for those two movies that happened to be on at a relatives house while we were there) and I have to say it has really impacted us. Here are some of the things we learned or experienced:

1. We CAN turn the TV off if there is nothing interesting on. Now that the blackout is over, we have the tv on about 1/8th as often as it was before. I used to have it on all morning with all the usual news programs and then we would have it on almost constantly from 3pm until 9pm. Most of the time it was just on for noise. This past week, we watched our favorite show The Big Bang Theory, a few episodes of Mythbusters and then one morning of Regis and Kelly. Now we actually turn the TV off if we're not watching it. Go figure.

2. I like my husband a lot more when there's no media around. That whole week, Ammon didn't really act differently, but if there was something he did I didn't like, I handled it a LOT better. Although... it may have helped that I didn't have to repeat myself a bunch cuz the TV wasn't distracting him ;-)

3. Kaleb is a lot of fun! He really likes to watch tv, so I tended to let the tv placate him (even at this age, isn't it horrible!?!?!) But media-free week forced us to entertain him a lot more and play little games with him. Now I can't nurse him in front of the tv right before bed because he will not settle down for the night. The tv is just too interesting to him.

4. I HATE 1000 piece puzzles!!!!!! I started getting into puzzles that week, but now I'm sure I want to stop at 750 pieces or at least not get a 1000 piece puzzle that is a painting. All the brush strokes make all the tiny pieces look the same!!!!

5. I CAN beat Ammon at a strategy game. Othello. Nuff said.

Some other tidbits about our lives:

I REALLY like my job, and the manager and co-workers seem to like me. I have torn feelings every morning I work, having to leave my adorable baby, but I feel this is where I need to be right now. Plus, it has been a great boost in my self-esteem to have an external "project".

Ammon is still having a hard time finding work. He is applying like crazy at all kinds of random places, but he has gotten no responses... not even for a seasonal position. Let us know if you hear of anything.

We caught mouse number seven last night. Thankfully they never go near our food that we can tell. ARGH!! It's so crazy nasty!!!

1 comment:

LlamaMama said...

I'm proud of you guys for making it through the week. I remember we did the media blackout thing before Mark was born and spent it making Christmas presents for family members. I know what you mean about turning off the tv when there's nothing on. Although I think maybe I need to learn the lesson again!