Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hidden Blessings

Over the last few days, Kaleb has been suffering from a little bit of the atomic diaper (diahrea). We've gone through about 6 or 7 outfits a day. Every 2 hours or so we have to change a diaper and everything else that has been leaked on (clothes, sheets, blankets covering the sheets, carseat covers... ugh). We are now to the point where he's just wearing pants (and diapers)... why bother with the tops anymore? Anyway, Ammon also has been a bit under the weather, so needless to say when we awoke from church this morning there was no discussion as to who would stay home from church with Kaleb.

So off I went to church... alone... for the first time in a long time. And it was AWESOME!! I was able to really focus on the lessons. I didn't have to worry about keeping Ammon awake or keeping Kaleb out of the hymnbooks... NEVER, NEVER, NEVER would I wish a sickness on anyone, especially my wonderful husband and my sweetest little baby. However, I will have to admit it was nice to really be AT church again. Something was missing from my spiritual batteries over the last few months and now I think they've been filled... at least for a few more months. Just wanted to share that little bit of gratitude with everyone!


LlamaMama said...

Wow! That's awesome! I don't even remember the last time I actually went to church that way! Good for you for getting the most out of it.

Kelli said...

I'm glad you had that experience when you could (even though it was because of some sicknesses :(). I love when I feel recharged spiritually after going to church. Hope your household gets well soon!