Sunday, February 7, 2010

Learning the Hard Way

While you are pregnant, and after the baby is born, you are constantly bombarded with advice like, "Sleep when the baby sleeps" and "Don't wear dangly earrings" and things like that. However, nobody ever warned me about grape juice! This morning, I dressed Kaleb in a cute little church outfit with a white onesie and white trimmed sweater vest and black chords. SUPER CUTE and SO HANDSOME. Even better, they were all hand-me-downs from his cousins that held up really well... that is until Kaleb got a bottle of grape juice. STUPID MOMMY!! Has Kaleb ever spilled juice like that before? Of course not. Only with grape juice whilst wearing a white top! Well, at least we now have a cute purple-pink top for whenever we have a little girl.


SuperRunkels said...

LOL! Yeah I guess we don't really warn each other about that do we? It's bound to happen at some point.

LlamaMama said...

Silly! We didn't think we had to warn you about the obvious things. I STILL don't wear white when I eat spaghetti!

Meg said...

Oh quick oh quick- just OxyClean it. I am such a believer in it- it takes out everything except grease stains. I like the spray kind for stains and the tub powder kind for in the wash.